Terms of Use
• You do not need to ask permission to use this bank or to draw this character.
• Commercial usage is allowed, please show the author the resulting usage!
• Any works created with this voice bank must be tagged with its name, and no works can be created that are intentionally offensive or spiteful to a select person/group of people.
• The character image and voicebank Haru Torres/トレス春 belongs to the creator tomatetoro/Haru. Nothing is official unless explicitly stated by the author,tomatetoro/Haru.
• Please do not use this character, the image, or the voice for any roleplaying unless given explicit permission from the author.
• You are only permitted to clean or enhance this voicebank's audio. You cannot edit the audio in any other way (pitching, etc.)
• You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini, prefix.map, or FRQ files.
• You are free to port this voicebank to singing synthesizers other than UTAU, EXCEPT for AI voice generators such as Character AI for example, but please notify the author.
• The source audio of this voicebank (.wav files) may only be used in vocal synthesizers.
• Fanfiction/doujinshi is OK.
• Explicit R-18+ content is allowed. R-18+ context is NOT allowed for any illegal scenarios such as underage depictions.
• Derivatives are NOT allowed. Alternate outfits and designs, while upholding the recognizability of the character (body type, eye shape, skin color, etc.), is welcome. Do NOT genderbend.
• Do not use his image or voicebank for political, religious, or any criminal usage (songs about heinous illegal content for example). Exceptions are made in cases where there is religious thematic choices i.e. a song where he is depicted in a nun/priest outfit, religious carols, etc. Please use your best judgement.
• Do not take heavy inspiration from his character design or voice/do not copy or mimic his design or voice for your own character(s).
• Do not use the voicebank or character image to slander or impersonate the author.
• Redistribution is forbidden, only link to existing official downloads.